

Ongoing website support

Your website is a vital tool – the online extension of your business.  When your business changes, this should be reflected in your website straight away.  Our Content Management System gives you that flexibility – you can make content changes yourself or we can make them for you.  Simply call or email if you need assistance.

Site updates

Our ongoing customer support helps you keep your site up to date. We can give you the knowledge and tools you need to make the changes yourself, or we can make the changes for you. The services we offer include:

  • Adding new content, and updating or reformatting existing content
  • Helping you add images, video or other special kinds of content to your site
  • Training for new or existing staff

Website upgrades

When you want to upgrade your website with a new design or new features, we can implement this for you.  Our quote will reflect:

  • Incorporating new features and making sure they look and work they way you want
  • Design changes – anything from a new logo to a complete redesign

Support for your hosting

Barquerole+Digital websites are in a shared hosting environment – ideal for static websites, database-driven content management systems, and custom applications.  They reside on InMotion Hosting servers located in Los Angeles, California.  InMotion data centres operate Smart Hosting technology and have a 99.99% network uptime record.

The following kinds of technical support are available, subject to your plan with us:

  • Ensuring the correct operation or connectivity of your website
  • Ensuring the correct operation or connectivity of email applications in our hosting environment.
  • An extensive backup system – if you think you have ‘lost’ some content, give us a call.  We can access backups and restore to a known date.

Support for your domain

If your domain is registered via us, the following kinds of technical support are available:

  • Dealing with any problems with domains registered with us
  • Assisting with renewals for domains registered by us.

Technical Support

Support for your website and hosting is always available.  Desktop and digital media are constantly evolving and changes need to be made – that’s what we do.  When the changes tip over into new technology, we create new website solutions to meet the new circumstances – such as mobile-responsive websites that are now an essential requirement in today’s online environment.

Do you have any questions?  Email us at or let us quote.